attractive female. I felt delicately submissive, most vulnerably exposed. My slim shapely legs, frilly dress, my thick curled hair and the impression of a valley between my breasts just like a girl. It gave me a thrill to feel my trim curves, from my chest to my hips. I pulled my shoulders back flaunting my good 'points'.

Michelle came over to me swinging his hips obviously. He put his arm around my tiny waist and studied the mirror. He said almost sadly, "Do you feel like a boy at all?"

I shook my head.

"Me a boy??? Hardly." He shook his long hair and added, "I guess that's good because we are going to have a lot of eager boys after


Chapter 15, The dance and beyond.

The dance was a big success! Michelle and I made a definite "hit" in our dramatic makeup, coiffures and dresses. I found myself mostly in one or another upper-classmates arms, swirling about the floor. Angie and I danced at least half the night away. She looked very dashing in her black tuxedo and short hair. I loved being in her arms. But, what worried me was that I also loved being in other 'guys' arms! It was something about the clothes and upswept curls I wore that night that made me forget that I was Ken. I was supposed to chase girls, not make eyes with senior boys!

One real shock came at just before midnight. I was walking past one of the windows and happened to look out into the dark, supposedly deserted patio. Of course, there were several couples who had slipped out for a little moonlight necking. What caught my attention, was a distinctive Gibson Girl hairdo, silhouetted in the light. There was Michelle, deep in the embrace of senior Steve Tyler, their lips glued together and Michelle's arms obviously urging them even closer together! My 'dream girl' was crossing the line that I thought was uncrossable!

I survived the night and let Angie walk me back to my dorm. We exchanged a very "warm" good night kiss, but it was me who was 'manhandled' by the surprisingly strong Angie. I feeling of passive submission overwhelmed me.

Inside I undressed down to my lingerie. I loved the way I looked in 'THE MINIMIZERTMM'. It was thoroughly comfortable, giving a smooth feminine appearance to my lower body that completed the 'total girl' picture. Having worn it for more than 6 hours, I wondered why I couldn't wear something like this all the time? I left it on.

I was already in my nightie when Michelle came in. He looked obviously uncomfortable and removed his clothes and makeup very


roughly...almost as a boy who had been forced to 'dress up' would. I cautiously asked, "Is there something you want to talk about Michelle?" "What do you mean?! Do you have some problem?!!" he angrily snapped at me.

"Well...excuse me. No...good night." I replied and switched off my night table lamp, making a fast retreat. Never in our relationship had Michelle spoken to me with such an angry tone of voice. He continued to quickly clean off makeup and undress. He turned off all the lights quickly. I heard his bed squeak as he sat on it. All was silent for a few seconds, then I heard unmistakable racking sobs from across the room.

"Please talk to me...it's your friend, Cath'." I whispered. There was no response for many seconds. Then to my shocked surprise, my blanket was lifted and I felt a naked Michelle slide into my bed beside me (well he was wearing his panties). Even as I was about to react in angry indignation, he broke down into uncontrollable sobs, his arms going around my neck. "Oh, Cath. . .I'm so ashamed. I acted like such an idiot tonight! Do you know what I did?"

"No...what?" I lied.

"Steve wanted to practice a play he's working on. He wanted me to play the female lead. The next thing I knew, He was kissing me. He made me feel so weird inside...he got excited...I...I...," he broke into sobs. "What!? What did you do?"

"I...I can't believe it...I feel so strange! Steve knows about me and he kissed me...ON THE LIPS! I'm so ashamed, I didn't try to stop him; I may have even kissed back."

I tried to make light of his confession, "It's no big deal."

But he had more. "Steve told me that he's helped lots of the Tresses to rehearse at being a 'girl lead'. He said, 'What's the use of developing breasts and hips if you don't know what to do during the romantic parts. I'm scared, maybe he's right? Yet, I feel dirty!"

I thought about this revelation...I was shocked, but I felt like it was a younger sister I was consoling. I found myself stroking Michelle's head, inhaling the flowery traces of perfume clinging to his neck. "It's okay.. .we're not really boy actors anymore, we are more like girls...(that's how we looked, acted and felt)...you are feeling what we all will, sooner or later. The school must want us to 'react' like girls inside too.


I felt I was lying, but I wanted to calm down my distraught friend. Soon he was more relaxed.

He said, "Lately, I've been so afraid of the boys. I don't know if it's the way they look at me or what. Steve for one scared me to death, yet tonight I wasn't that afraid. I'm sure he wouldn't want to hurt me or anything?"